Sunday, July 18, 2010


Never doubt yourself, remove the word "can't" from your dictionary, and JUST DO IT.

This just in:

"You should be crazy excited from our first measurement--143 lbs. 18% body fat your LBM was 107 and FM was 36. You put on 6 lbs of muscle. Dropped 21 lbs of bodyfat since April. Blog that shit." --Bruce B. (my coach)

Update: As of July 16 12% Body Fat. LBM 113. Fat weight 15 lbs. I'll take it.

2010: the year of training, hard work, dedication and me. The first time I've officially been away from home, away from family members and friends to start this journey on my own for my own. It hasn't been easy, but for the first time I'm understanding what Doing IT is all about.

We can all say we want it, but doing it is what its all about. You can do a dance, like the worm for instance, but if you' don't really get into're just going to look silly. So if you want results in your training, life, dance moves etc...figure out what its going to take to Just Do It.

This weekend I completed one of my long term complete a triathalon. My best friend Jenna and I have said since college we would do one together. We finished our first sprint Mossman Triathalon in Norwalk, CT in 1 hour and 33 min. A beautiful and breathtaking experience in which I look forward to doing again! We said it...we've found our new obsession. Something about testing your body from water to wheels to land...makes you feel powerful and on top of the world. A breathless ending to a great competition.

On with the journey--remain focused--5 weeks remaining. Time to keep doing it, figure out what it takes and continue on DOING IT.

Here we go....


  1. Awesome job! You look great and completing a Tri in 1:33 is incredible. Good luck in the next 5 weeks, you are going to do great, keep up the positive energy!

  2. Kara,
    Great job on TRI and really interesting info on blog! Thanks for shring!

  3. you got bit by the tri-bug :) congrats on completing it and doing a great job! I'm a dork and checked out the results- all around solid times, especially your swim!

    Keep it up for the next few weeks, I can't wait to see you!

  4. Your dedication to this stuff is something that should be commended. Keep it up! Lookin' good! :)

  5. I can't wait to do another with you :) Luh you!!!
