Monday, July 5, 2010

Rise Above

No one said it would be easy. They actually said it would be the hardest thing I will physically put my body through. Muscle soreness, breathless work, elevated heart rates, exhaustion. All words that have been used and what I have felt in the past 10 weeks. No one said it would be easy. No one said it would be this mentally draining.

I'm fighting for acknowledgement and pride. I'm training for my career, for my focus, for life. I'm training for mental and emotional stability, along with it comes a physically fit body.

The journey hasn't been easy--but I've learned more about myself and others more than I ever thought possible. I've learned about trust, faithfulness, support and
guidance. Striving to give all to others, in hope for return. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. A great read: Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten.

Most importantly I've learned to give all of this to myself. The push, support, determination and strength to Rise Above. No one said it was going to be easy. Rise Above.

Steady as we go...
6 weeks until competition. I'll be honest...I'm nervous, scared, and really excited. I was at a low. Questions after questions about training/nutrition/posing/etc...I was getting caught up in the WHY and not acting upon it. So I e mailed a few people who
are well known in the fitness industry: got my answers--now its time to put it to the test. C'mon body--stay with me.

I found myself getting a pedicure the other day just because I wanted the calf massage. The foam roller and I are no longer friends. What we'll do to feel good!

So I've found a new passion--love--obsession--whatever you want to call it.
Crossfit style workouts. Hybrid Athletics.

Most likely frowned upon in the figure competition world, but loved by yours truly. I have found a group of people in Connecticut who are as crazy as I am about training. If you have followed me on twitter, I update my workouts everyday. If you aren't is time to do so. Twitter name: KARAFED

Tire flipping, Kettlebells, stones, barbell, weights, running, animals, farmers walks...All in a basement 'gym'. Nothing feminine about it--no worries I still wear my matching Nike apparel and headbands to feel feminine. I've decreased body fat, lost weight, and have never felt so athletic in my life. Never said hard work looks pretty--its feeling pretty after that makes it worth while.
Along with my 7 am workouts there, I return in the evening for my heavy lifts. I've found alternate ways to move my body without relying on machines. Glute/ham raises/extension stationary piece=love.

Wasted energy, over training, I've heard it all. Whatever it is, its what gets me up at 5:30 am to want to be somewhere, be someone new that day, expose myself physically to something I've never done before.

I've been low, high, stuck in the middle ground. I've been surrounded by people who bring the low, high, and middle ground. Who's going to be there? Find them. Hold them tight. Don't let go. Take your middle ground distractions elsewhere.

We live and we learn...time to start doing more of both. Start with YOU.

We have one body: One life: One day to make it.

Make it work, allow it to succeed, attempt to take the challenge.
Take it, Create it, Challenge it, Own it, LOVE IT. You only have one.



  1. Yea girl!!!! You've got a great couple girls in CT who are so happy to have you as our friend! Much love and support!!!xo

  2. ...And another girl down in Florida who loves you to death! It's amazing that through this process you have still been able to support all of those around you...emotionally, physically, everything. It's truly a testament to you and your character. Lots of great things are going to be happening to you in the next few months and you deserve every last one of them!

  3. you look amazing and I love reading your blog - keep up the good work :o)
