Monday, May 24, 2010

Work it OUT

Yeah..I workout. I'm usually 'that girl' in the gym that people are wondering 'what the....' when I lift.

I begin every workout with a Active Dynamic Warm Up created by yours truly...with the ideas from the Athletes' Performance and Parisi Speed School systems. This has not only helped with my flexibility and range of motion, but also prevented *knock on wood* injuries.

K-Fed's Active Dynamic Warmup:
mini band glute activation
quick pogos (neural activation)
high skips
Fwd lunges w/a twist
lateral lunges
marching fwd or lateral--depending on the day
side shuffles
side runs
back pedal

quick pogos into sprint
alternating feet quick steps into sprint
base rotations into sprint

Pillar bridge (1 min)
side pillar bridge (30 sec each side)

All in all--takes about 15-20 minutes...a solid 15 minutes that I have found to be more successful than jumping on a treadmill. By doing this warm up, you are activating your nervous system, turning on your 'pillar' to prepare your body for the upcoming workout. Essentially...waking it up, starting the engine, prepare for the race.

If you have questions--or want pictures on any of these exercises--please e mail me and I'll send them to you!

Now that I've broken into a sweat...lets move on to the workouts...Follow me...

I have done a lot of work studying functional movement and movement from the rehabilitation standpoint. My workouts have always followed protocols for these two types of training ideas...until now. Breaking out of my shell...learning about body building type exercises to prepare myself for the competition.

There is a big difference in the way body builders lift than the way athletes lift. Currently, I am on week 1 of my 3rd month of lifting like a body builder and the changes in my body are evident. My focus is lifting heavy with more time under tension. By doing that I am creating hypertrophy in my muscles to be able to break through along with dieting for the show.

I have still been mixing up my cardio with plyometric training and athletic based drills---yes I'm that girl in LA Fitness running around the group ex room with cones and stair blocks. You feel like a kid again I promise.

Below is my week of lifting: All done in a circuit.
Day 1.
**Chest Press, BarBell, Flat Bench
Chest Press, Dumbbell, PhysioBall, Alternating
Chest Fly, Cable, Standing
**Squat, BB, Mid stance, toes forward
Lunges, DB, Walking 2x
Sissy Squats

Day 2
**Athletic Base Stance Cable Row, Palms Down, Mid Grip
One Arm Row, DB
Eccentric Pull Ups
Deadlift, BB, Sumo
Lunges, DB, Reverse w/ Tap
Single Leg Bridge, PB

Day 3.
Push Press, BB
Triceps Extension, DB, Bench, Face up, One Arm
Biceps Curl, Cable, Rope, Standing
Reverse Flyes, DB, Bent Over, Standing
Triceps, Dips, Bench
Biceps, DB, Concentration Curls, Seated

Day 4.
Single Leg Squat to Row, Cable
Step Up to Overhead Press, DB
Deadlift to Cuban Raise, DB
Gate Swing to Lateral Raise, DB
Pushup Star
Hanging Knee Raises, Oblique

3 days a week I focus on Interval Training: Recently I've been using the treadmill....can't seem to get off of it! 5 min warm up. 7 sets of 1 minute sprint 1 minute recovery.
Right now I'm hitting a 9.5 speed getting my Heart rate to 180+ allowing it to come back down to earth at 130 then repeat.

2 days I'm focusing on 40 min cardio: either bike, swim, run. Yes, I'm training for a triathlon as well...eek!

2 days a week I teach a water aerobics class and a cycle class at LA fitness. Add that into my full time job: Parisi Speed School speed training classes and personal training with the athletes, younger kids and adults...I'm running around (literally) all day.

Deep Breath: **I think I just got tired by reading all of that....what keeps me going?
My large cup of coffee in the morning, eating clean, impacting young athletes, building confidence in them, and knowing that I wake up every morning WANTING to go to work because of how much I learn everyday.
Everyday is different...always a challenge...always something new to learn...always a life to change.

For the first time in my 24 years in this life I have never felt so energetic and alive every day. I promise I do get tired--I do need rest--I do need recovery. By training and eating right I have found a new passion for taking care of my body, learning to listen to it, and understand what it needs.

Success with Honor

Monday morning!

More things you must know about me: I bleed blue and white, I love Monday mornings, frozen grapes are one of my favorite foods, music is one of my passions.
I was home this weekend at PSU for a friends wedding and realized once again, how much my Alma mater meant to me.

As I walked on campus I came across this flag and realized how it is now pertaining to my life, my journey and the success I want to achieve not for myself, but for everyone I'm connected with as well.

I by no means am a nutritionist, expert on life, expert on fitness, however everyday I take on new challenges and try to be nothing but the best at what I do and what I'm passionate about. With this will come and has come success. Success, on all levels is challenging, fun, and exciting.
Integrity in ones actions and beliefs. I believe that with determination, goals can be reached and success will fall into place.

With that said: Success in my life has been rewarding and continues still yet to be reached in my goals in this figure competition. Dedication and will power, Basically sums up this lifestyle. I am finding and seeking ways to have a good time without the diet and workouts consuming my life and taking over my thoughts and actions. I came to this realization on how important it was to be organized and also chill the hell out as I spent 40 minutes walking around Citizens Park in the PHL yesterday looking for a piece of Grilled Chicken to eat at 1 pm. I then inhaled it along with 2 tomatoes and shredded lettuce. I took a step back, a breath in, and realized I was at a baseball game and to relax a little. I went back to my seat, smiled and enjoyed the company of my parents and the greatest American game. Go Red Sox.

Its opportunities like those where its life you have to live, but success you want to achieve comes with living your life. I live my life to the fullest, yes, most of it is in the gym or kitchen most of the time but now its my time to share other things that are important to me as well.

I'm honored to have great friends, a great knowledge for my passions, an amazing family, and a healthy body. With all of these comes SUCCESS!!

.....FOR THE GLORY.....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Clean it UP!

We have all filled out a 'get to know you survey: Mine would look a little like this:
Favorite Color: Carolina blue
Favorite TV show: Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Song: Dancing Nancies: Dave Matthews
Favorite Thing to do on the weekends/weekdays/everyday: Dance
Favorite food: PIZZA

now...I want to hear from you about what yours looks like!!

----Hold up---heyyyy...I'm gonna knock ya till the wheels fall off--Take a seatt...Ready for the next episode. ------

My start into eating clean first starts with eliminating the things in my diet that I love.
Coffee creamer, frozen yogurt, cheese, honey mustard, waffle fries, crab cakes, sun chips, cereal, and Pizza. Decided it would be okay to live without them for 16 weeks. Or will it!?

You may be asking yourself WHY?
My new journey starts here: Out with the old, in with the new.

Realized I wanted a change, wanted to figure out the best way to not only feel better, but to perform better at my job, and to also become more acknowledged within the fitness industry. So I decided to clean up my act.

I started eating clean with the help of some colleagues at work who have been fantastic at giving advice, taking measurements, and being supportive of my goals. Bruce Brazeal and Megan Hoffman--the first of many thanks!

My clean eating has been the following:
7 am: 4 egg whites, 1/4 cup spinach, 1 piece of whole wheat toast
starbucks fresh ground coffee--black with stevia
10 am: 0% Fage yogurt with 1/3 cup blueberries
1 pm: 6 oz grilled chicken,1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 cup cooked sliced squash
4 pm: red DELICIOUS apple with 1 tsp organic Peanut Butter
8 pm: or whenever I get home: 6 oz of ground turkey or chicken or fish with aparagus and 1/4 cup quinoa.


my GO TO's: Olivio Spray Butter, Mrs. Dash, gum (stride flavor changers!), vitamin water Zero, sparkling water (poland spring lime!)

Staying consistent has made this change much easier as time goes on. I now become cranky if I don't eat every 3-4 hours, get anxious if I have to think about eating out, and will I say; have become great friends with Mrs. Dash. I'm learning how to cook, what tastes good, how to read nutritional labels, and why my body needs certain nutrients throughout the day. I'm my own guinea pig!

To date: and I share this with you because I'm ME: Take me or Leave me! Or just stop reading...wait...I promise you won't want to do that!

TOTAL Loss from January 1 has been 20 lbs. 5% body fat.
Past 3 weeks from eating clean I lost 7 lbs and 3% body fat.

I'm going to be updating pictures, fitness log, nutritional information stay tuned!

My Current Adventure: LIFE!

Officially 13 weeks until my first self driven goal and adventure into a new form of lifestyle and career moves. My first step into my 'job' (i say in quotes because I am obsessed with the fact I love what I do.) My first triathalon, and yes...the big one....My first figure competition.

I've decided to embark on a journey in which people in the past have told me would be too challenging and essentially not something I could do. I took a leap into my professional career and moved back to the east coast, after trying to find my place out west. East, West, North and South--I've been all over the map. Some friends even referring to me as a 'gypsy' never knowing where I would be or end up next.

Stamford, CT. A place I am starting to grow into as a young professional. I am not settled enough to call it 'home' for I still bleed blue and white. Go STATE.
After being here for a few months, I have not only learned the tremendous value of a supportive company, friends, family, and coaches, but what I want for myself out of this life.

I seek challenges, dreams, and goals. All would not be possible without self determination, drive, motivation, and support.

Thank you all for sticking with me as I continue to challenge my body, mind, and spirit through my journey called LIFE!