Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Achievement is mental and physical.
Achievement is always positive.
Achievement feels great.
Achievement is in every persons dictionary.
Achievement always has a place in life.

I've always been a goal oriented person...It wasn't until I started training for life that I realized that goals encompassed my life.
I reached my first goal in life when I graduated from Penn State in 4 years. Achievement, check.
I reached my second goal when I started my first job in Baltimore.
I reached my third goal when I figured out what I really wanted to do with my career--performance coaching.
My fourth goal came along when I completed my first triathlon.
Fifth goal-figure competition.
Achievement, check.

My achievement has been personal and set to high standards. Training for life has been everything from fun to stressful, exciting to painful. After the feelings, every outcome has always been achievement. Friends, family, colleagues, training partners sometimes think I'm crazy for always setting goals...its true...I sometimes don't sit down. I learn from partners, teachers, coaches, family members to build my system and figure out what works. I've reached the point of over training, physical exhaustion, under eating, over eating...I would have not reached those points if I didn't try it all.

So I've reached the end of blogging about one journey but I'm not done writing about achievements.

I find achievements everyday through my clients success in their fitness goals, weight loss, and goals to lead active healthy lifestyles. I find this through the young athletes I train that truly want to get faster and stronger. I find this through learning about relationships and creating new ones.

So...go out there...set your goals high...raise your standards...be picky...and find out what it feels like to ACHIEVE.

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